Learning from climate governance

The Paris Agreement successfully mobilized collective action to protect a shared global common-pool resource and mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. What are the takeaways for managing AMR?

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is among the most urgent global health challenges of our time. Decades of use, overuse and misuse of antibiotics to treat and prevent infections along with limited development of new antibiotics means we now face ever increasing levels of antimicrobial resistance. In fact, some microbes have already developed resistance to all known antimicrobials, meaning previously curable diseases have become untreatable

If immediate action is not taken, the effectiveness of existing antibiotic medicines will continue to diminish. Global mechanisms are needed to manage the global response to antimicrobial resistance, coordinate interests and investments, and steer cooperation toward preserving the “global antimicrobial commons”.

Evidence Synthesis

Synthesis of high quality resources, interviews with experts, and detailed analysis.

Policy Options

Standard and tailored policy options, contextualized to local considerations.

Knowledge Mobilizations

Consultations, personalized briefings, and in-house seminars.

Building collective global action to address climate change provides useful examples in developing pathways to safeguard common-pool resources. The 2015 Paris Agreement has mobilized collective action and provides valuable lessons for AMR. The agreement has stimulated this global cooperation by engaging countries in an ongoing effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. 

This work identifies six lessons from the 2015 Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that could be applied to manage and protect the global antimicrobial commons.

  1. Develop a collective global goal
  2. Focus on social and economic transformation
  3. Review and expand AMR national action plans
  4. Hold an annual multi-stakeholder forum on AMR
  5. Global assessment of the best available science for AMR policy
  6. An international legal framework for AMR


July 28, 2023

Multidisciplinary perspectives on AMR and the Pandemic Instrument 


August 17, 2023

Global commitments on AMR need to be reassesed