On May 23rd, GSL’s AMR Policy Accelerator held a webinar exploring the need for unifying global targets and presenting the proposed 1-10-100 Unifying Global Targets developed by the Bellagio Group for Accelerating AMR Action. The 1-10-100 UGTs make an important contribution to discussions leading up to this year’s United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) High-level Meeting on AMR.

Read the GSL Briefing Note: Unifying Global Targets to Mobilize Global Action on Antimicrobial Resistance
The panel included:
- Dr. Sujith Chandy, Executive Director, International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance (ICARS)
- Dr. Masika Sophie, Global Health Policy Manager, World Federation for Animals
- Dr. Mathieu Poirier, Co-Director, Global Strategy Lab
- Jeremy Knox, Head of Policy, Infectious Disease, Wellcome Trust (Moderator)
More than 100 audience members joined the webinar representing many countries including Barbados, Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Kenya, Korea, Nigeria, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, and Zambia.